Massage – A Blessing for Everyone

In Deuteronomy it says, “Blessed be the work of thy hands.”

When I was a child, I was entranced by the beautiful book, The Family of Man.  This had incredible photographs from all over the world.  People in families, giving birth, dying, at war, at work, playing, kissing, making music, leaping up in the air.  It gave me a clear feeling of being akin to all the peoples of the earth.

Particularly heartwarming to me was a photo of an old woman’s hands.  I carefully sketched them because they moved me so.

To this day, the work of our hands moves me deeper than words.  All the things we do for each other!

And in massage we find this common human facility to touch each other with care.  Whether we are black or white, gay or straight, woman or man, young or old, in Africa, South America, Russia, Europe, or Asia – every person deserves the highest quality of touch.

It is a dream – one all therapists share – to want the feeling that comes from caring touch to be a universal experience.

Blessed be the work of thy hands.