Form and Fulcrums I

MichealOruchF&FMichael Oruch

Thurs, Fri, Sat, & Sun, March 31 – April 3, 2016
Thurs – 1:30-5:30, Fri & Sat – 9am-5:30pm, Sun – 9am-4pm
25 CE’s


*Prerequisites – completion of Core ZB – the 50 hours of ZB I and II is the minimum.

“Form & Fulcrums with Michael Oruch is a class every Zero Balancing student and practitioner should take. Whether you have just done Core ZB or are a certified Zero Balancer of many years, this class will add ease to every single fulcrum you do. Michael Oruch has taken the pains to distill years of Qigong & Tai Chi practice, years of assisting Dr. Fritz Smith, and years of experience as an artist, craftsman, and spiritual seeker into this one workshop. Take Form and Fulcrums by all means!” – D.L.

Form & Fulcrums I utilizes Chinese movement principles to find optimal positioning for the individual practitioner while doing Zero Balancing. Michael Oruch developed this class to help ZB students to do Zero Balancing sessions more easily and with much less effort by teaching proper body mechanics. Students will learn to identify when, where and why they are having difficulties and also how to address them. We will learn simple Qigong based ZB exercises to facilitate more body awareness and also thoroughly review each fulcrum of the protocol incorporating these concepts. We will also learn new and useful fulcrums while covering topics such as blue line, donkey, rhythm, positioning, transitions, movement, and, of course, engagement. The working paradigm here is: “We are only able to engage our clients to the degree in which we ourselves are engaged.”” We often think more structure is needed but in fact it is more engagement. When we are engaged in proper alignment, utilizing bone energy, knowing the landmarks and the protocol, the ZB session is much easier, more effective and magical.

You Will Learn:
  • Qigong theory to help your ZB sessions
  • Partner exercises exploring energy/structure, blue line, engagement and more, to heighten sensitivity
  • Movement exercises to facilitate body awareness
  • To find an optimal body position for each protocol evaluation and fulcrum
  • To deconstruct and reconstruct each protocol fulcrum in clear stages
  • New and useful fulcrums
  • To hone the skill of high level attention with a quiet mind
  • The principles and skills for doing a 15 minute ZB

MichealOruchF&FMichael Oruch is Zero Balancing teacher, practitioner and artist living in New York City. He has taught Zero Balancing in the U.S. and internationally since 1997. He has also taught painting at Northwestern University and Qigong at New York University.

Michael believes Zero Balancing is a vehicle for health, wellness and positive change both personally and collectively. He was inspired to teach ZB after years of study and tutelage with Dr. Fritz Smith, the founder of Zero Balancing, and many years of studying Qigong. He continues to study Tai Chi, Liu he ba fa, Qigong, and the occasional yoga class. He believes ZB can help the practitioner to be more present and clear in the world with themselves and with each person they contact.

Michael teaches ZB l, ZB ll, Form & Fulcrums l: The Art of Engagement, Form & Fulcrums ll: Finding Rhythm & Utilizing Movement, ZB Fields & Fulcrums, Alchemy of Touch, Geometry of Healing, Open Forum, Natural Bridges of Zero Balancing ( with Dr. Fritz Smith), The Art of ZB in Chicago (with Dr. Fritz Smith) and Review Days. Michael also has created two Zero Balancing training DVD’s: ‘ZB Protocol Review’, and ‘ The Fifteen Minute ZB.’

Since 1997 Michael has served on the ZBHA Board of Directors of which he is currently president.