What you don’t know about Neck Pain

by David Lauterstein

Do you know the difference between tests which reveal whether it is a ligament or a muscle that is injured in the neck?  How do you know if both are injured?

Did you know that, in most ligament injuries, 5-15 ligaments are injured?

Do you know how to do myofascial release and friction therapy with all the neck ligaments?

The Nuchal ligament? The supraspinous ligaments? The interspinuous ligaments? The intertransverse ligaments? The TP 7 ligament?

Do you know the origins, insertions and actions for all the neck muscles?

To you know how to do active tests for neck rotations, side flexions, extensions, resisted adductions and abductions, lateral and medial rotations?

Did you know that resisted adduction relates to C7 but abduction, lateral and medial rotation relate to C5?

Do you know specific exercises you might suggest to your client to help with neck ligament problems?

How can you help with torticollis?

Do you know what Basilar syndrome is?

These and so many other questions are important for therapists to know the answers to. When you are referred clients with neck pain, it’s your job to have a precise knowledge about the neck and advanced skills to help.

Those are just some of the reasons we are incredibly excited to have Ben Benjamin – author of so many books vital to our field, among them: Listen to Your Pain, Exercise Without Injury, Are You Tense? The Benjamin System of Muscular Therapy, The Ethics of Touch, and Conversation Transformation coming to our school.

Dr. Benjamin started the Muscular Therapy Institute, in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1974.  He received his PhD. in Sportsmedicine and Education, from Union Graduate School in 1979 and has now been among the pre-eminent teachers in our field for over 35 years!  He does workshops world-wide and extensively on-line as well through benbenjamin.com.

Join us for his workshop – “Evaluation and Manual Therapy for Neck Pain” on November 30-December 2nd. This is the first time in many years that Ben has come to Texas. We are honored and excited to be hosting him and giving everyone a chance to study with one of the great teachers in our field.